Something Wicked this way comes!

Blog Darker Days Radio

Darker Days Radio is an entertainment podcast focusing on horror gaming, in particular tabletop roleplay games, such as the World of Darkness and Chronicles of Darkness settings.

Darker Days Radio is an independent podcast, providing in-depth and honest reviews of the latest games and books. Episodes of the podcast also include interviews the writers, developers, and artists of the games, and offer insight into how different game content can be used by players in their own games and campaigns. Episodes also include “Secret Frequency” segments which provide more ideas for horror roleplay, sharing ideas on how real world paranormal legends and myths can be incorporated into games.

Darker Days Radio also attends many of the largest gaming conventions world wide, and horror live action roleplay events, acting as the official podcast for World of Darkness: Berlin event last year, and this year will be running live streams of horror roleplay games at the Manchester Gothic Festival.

Darker Days Radio at Beasts of War

Darker Days Radio also teams up with Beasts of War, to create original “Let’s Play” videos of the highly successful horror board game, Kingdom Death: Monster, and through our sister podcast, Network Zero, we review horror films and look at how these films can inspire tabletop role play games.

Darker Days Radio’s ultimate goal is to provide the best inspiring horror content for players to bring to their tabletops, and to increase the social reach of games designers and writers, and work with teams who have a passion for the horror genre in tabletop games and live action roleplay games.

We are excited to provide press coverage of HorrorConUK 2018 as a chance to discover exciting new horror media, and work in horror special effects, that can inspire horror fans and gamers.

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