Something Wicked this way comes!

Blog Quizmaster Killian H. Gore

Hello to my fellow horror movie fans!

I’m super excited to be returning to HorrorConUK this year for what I’m sure will be another extraordinary event. The special guest line-up is looking really incredible, once again!

And this year I’ve got a very special book for you all!

So, a little about me… I’ve been a fan of horror movies ever since I video-taped John Carpenter’s Halloween off the television one night as a child; secretly watching it the following morning when daylight had returned! Regardless, it gave me nightmares that I can still vividly recall to this day! For whatever reason (maybe it was just the lure of the dark side) I embraced those nightmares and continued with my new-found passion for horror movies, renting out tape after tape from my local video store and exploring this wonderful new dark landscape of terror!

Killian H. Gore

A while back I started writing horror fiction books but over the years I decided that my love of horror movie trivia was becoming so fanatical that I started producing horror quiz and trivia books as well! I absolutely love picking out one of my favourite horror movies and delving deeper into the world of it, discovering fascinating stories from behind the scenes and peppering my books with these interesting little tales.

And as my love of a telling a good horror yarn is still prevalent, I also include short stories in my quiz books too – inspired by my favourite horror movies. I like to think this makes my books a bit more unique and fun and keeps my passion for creating my own horror stories alive!

More recently I have also been making some short horror films for inclusion in the new 60 Seconds to Die movies. I believe the first one just came out on DVD in America – and I still haven’t seen it yet!

For this year’s HorrorConUK I wanted to do something a little different, so I decided to produce a book that will only be available exclusively at this year’s convention.

Looking at the special guest list I thought it would be a fantastic idea to write a short quiz book for Re-Animator, seeing as we’re lucky enough to be in the presence of both Jeffrey Combs and Barbara Crampton this year

My Re-Animator Quiz Book will be strictly limited edition and if you’re really lucky, you could also be in the chance of winning a copy signed by both Jeffrey and Barbara!

Well, that’s all for now! I look forward to meeting you all at HorrorConUK this year. I’ll be the guy standing behind the quiz books looking totally star struck!

HorrorConUK 2017

Killian H. Gore is an independent horror writer and book publisher from Warrington with over twenty fiction and non-fiction titles to his name.

He’s also a die-hard horror fan and loves being at HorrorConUK! He’s crazy about his horror quizzing and has recently published the ultimate, gruelling horror quiz book, The Huge Horror Movie Quiz Book!

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